Community Center

The Community Center has been an integral part of the African American community of Taylor since 19??. It use to be on Gym St. Taylor,Tx across the street from O.L. Price school. After every O.L. Price Panther footbal home game they use to have a dance there. It was also used for community meetings. Later the Community Center was moved from the O. L. Price School site to Robinson Park.  The basketball court behind the Community Center that was once a lighted tennis court made possible by a joint effort of IBM, the Texas Power and Light Company, the Neighborhood Center, Vista Program and the City.  The Garden Club planted trees to add to the natural beauty of the parkland. Each one of these events and additions is a story within itself. It was great to see the impact it had on the community.During the 1970’s and 80’s it was used for record hops. Now it is located in Fannie Robinson Park on M.L.K. Street. Video coming soon ! 

community center

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